Play Group

1.5 to 3 years

Playgroups offer babies, toddlers and young children a wide variety of early learning experiences. Playgroup is a great way for your children to learn about the world, make friends and develop social skills. Playgroup also gives mums, dads, grandparents and caregivers a chance to share ideas and experiences.


3 to 4 years

Nursery education ensures smooth physical, mental and emotionally development in children and acquisition of positive habits; Preparing children for primary education. Creating a common environment of education and development for children coming from disadvantaged families and environments


4 to 6 years

Kindergarten is a specialized space regarded as the first step towards formal education. An early childhood education program for children of ages 3-6 years, kindergarten in India consists of the Junior/Lower Kindergarten (Jr. KG/ LKG) or the Senior/ Upper Kindergarten (Sr. KG/ UKG)

Primary & Middle Education

6 to 14 years

Primary education forms the bedrock of development. It is in primary school that children learn foundational skills that prepare them for life, work and active citizenship. Quality education empowers children and young people, safeguards their health and well-being, and breaks cycles of poverty.

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